Title I Parents Right to Know

  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is the federal law governing public education.  In 2002, this law was reauthorized and is now referred to as No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

    NCLB requires that all schools receiving Title I funds must inform parents of their right to ask about the qualifications of their child’s teachers.  York Elementary School receives Title I funding and we are happy to share this information with you at your request.

    The legal definition of a “highly qualified teacher” states that the teacher must have the following:


    1. A four-year college degree
    2. A regular teaching certificate/license
    3. Proof of their knowledge in the subject they teach


    The New York State Department of Education has an annual process in place for each school district to verify the qualification status of its teachers.  York Central School teachers all meet the definition of “highly qualified.”

    If you would like to request the qualification information for any of your child’s teachers, please submit that request in writing to:

    Heidi Newcomb, District Clerk
    York Central School District

    2578 Genesee St.
    PO Box 102
    Retsof, NY 14539

    For more information on NCLB, and the role of Title I parents, please visit the United States Department of Education Web site at www.ed.gov/esea.