YCS Community Playground - 'Let Fun Link US Together'
Goal: Our current goal is the installation of the brick patio. We have 75+ bricks that have been purchased and are awaiting installation. Our custodial crew has made a concrete slab that will be used as the foundation for the patio. Concrete for the slab was donated by Hanson Aggregates in Pavilion.
Next steps include:
- patio design and layout
- the purchasing of blank/"filler" bricks
- brick installation
We appreciate everyone's patience with this portion of the playground project and assure you that we are putting a great deal of time and effort into the planning, preparation, and installation of the brick patio.
If you would like to purchase a brick:
Please contact Rachel Macauley, rjmacauley@yorkcsd.org or 243-3400 if you would like more information. Order forms can be picked up from Michelle DuBiel at the front desk. You can also click on the link below to order a brick online.
Playground Committee Members: Carrie Tiede, Rachel Macauley, Stephanie Rudgers, Georgette Fagan, Megan Logsdon, and Shari DeTar.